I have long held the belief that 'the best things in life are free.' I don't have the urge to buy things to make me happy because the things that make me happy don't cost too much. Now of course in reality nothing is free, you still have to spend even for food or transportation but some of the happiest times I have ever had are the times simple and cheap times spent with family and friends. I don't even remember what we bought, or how expensive our meal was. In reality it didn't matter. It was the time that we shared that was important!
There was this part in the movie where the father of the shopaholic was willing to sell his most prized possession to help his daughter pay back her debts. The daughter says something like - 'Don’t sell that dad. That defines you!' To which her father replies - 'Nothing defines me except you and your mother.'
Now the question I’m going to ask you is this. What are the 5 things in your life that define you? Write it down; post it on your Facebook or your Friendster. I'm going to go out on a limb here and be subject to criticism again but if most of what defines you are material things then you better look at yourself closely and assess if you are truly happy.
I'll leave you with one of the last things that were said in the movie which I found hilarious but true - 'Instead of a relationship with a credit card I have a relationship with someone who loves me and never declines me.'
Saving tip for the week:
- If you can afford it buy an energy saver. I have talked to two electrical engineers who say it does work and I have personally tried it out in my home. I saved PHP1000 on my electric bill. But of course make sure your usage doesn’t change.
If you have any saving tips, share them with me and I will include it in my newsletter.
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